Customer expectations can change on the spot – and they are always going higher! While, according to the CMO Council, 67% of marketers acknowledge the impact the rise of digital customer journeys on their CX strategies, a full 69% say they aren’t confident in their ability to keep up.
From data complexity and access, through integration issues, to budget pressures, failing to realize the full potential of your martech stack impacts CX agility, customer loyalty, and marketing ROI.
How can I leverage all of the great customer data I have? Do I need a CDP? And if I do, do I need a composable one? Am I even sure what a CDP is? And once I have that sorted, what do I do with it? How do I use all of this to better support my loyalty programs while gaining and keeping new customers? Am I already behind the generative AI curve? Is there more to that than creating copy?
Join us during this interactive workshop to discuss these questions and more, and to learn how a multi-channel marketing hub may assist your organization in meeting your customers wherever they are.
20-05-2024 10:45 - 12:00
Hosted by: SAS (A La Carte)Messages will be visible for table members and will NOT be shared on Facebook.